Jharkhand Journal of Development and Management Studies

(A Quarterly Review of Development and Management Trends)

A National Journal Indexed in the UGC-CARE List


Volume & Issue Titles Year of Publications
22 (2) Governing Shared Resources: Connecting Local Experience to Global Challenges June 2024
22 (1) Digital Transformation and Human Resource Management Part – II March 2024
21 (4) Digital Transformation and Human Resource Management PART - I December 2023
21 (3) Development Perspectives in 2030: A Look at India’s Social Structure September 2023
21 (2) Challenges and Opportunities in Practicing Sustainable Marketing June 2023
21 (1) Impact of Nanotechnological Change in Agriculture and Industry on Growth and Equity March 2023
20 (4) Reconstructing India through Operationalizing Co-operatives December 2022
20 (3) Alleviating Poverty and Malnutrition in Rural and Urban India September 2022
20 (2) New Institutionalization Designs for Community Development and Environmental Conservation June 2022
20 (1) Reviving Rivers: Knowledge, Practice, and Commons Management in India March 2022
19 (4) Socio-Economic and Cultural Inequalities in India and Development December 2021
19 (3) Unitary Social Science Research: Methods, Issues and Trends September 2021
19 (2) Psychosocial Interventions Linked with Development June 2021
19 (1) Global Pandemic, Social Exclusion and Resilience March 2021
18 (3&4) General Issue December 2020
18 (1&2) General Issue June 2020
17 (4) Health and Wellness December 2019
17 (3) General Issue September 2019
17 (2) Governance and Management of Natural Resources June 2019
17 (1) General Issue March 2019
16 (4) Green Business and Sustainable Growth December 2018
16 (3) General Issue September 2018
16 (2) Women Empowerment June 2018
16 (1) General Issue March 2018
15 (4) Rural Marketing Strategies and Challenges December 2017
15 (3) General Issue September 2017
15 (2) Demonetisation and Social Change June 2017
15 (1) General Issue March 2017
14 (3&4) Social Exclusion and Development December 2016
14 (2) Seed Biotechnology and Eastern India’s “New Green Revolution”: Issues and Challenges June 2016
14 (1) Non-Timber Forest Products and Livelihood Promotion March 2016
13 (4) Socio-cultural Issues in Ecosystem Management Oct.-Dec. 2015
13 (3) Water Resources Management and Sustainable Development July-Sept. 2015
13 (2) E-Governance: Challenges and Opportunities April-June 2015
13 (1) Educational Reforms and Cultural Development Jan.-March 2015
12 (4) Demographic Dividend and National Development Oct.-Dec. 2014
12 (3) Gender and Women Development July-Sept. 2014
12 (2) Development and Global Ecology April-June 2014
12 (1) Social Research Methods, Pertinent Issues and Emergent Trends Jan.-March 2014
11 (4) The Village, Development and Policy Oct.-Dec. 2013
11 (3) Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security July-Sept. 2013
11 (2) Ethics, Business and Society April-June 2013
11 (1) Public-Private Partnership and Social Development Jan.-Mar. 2013
10 (4) Health Promotion and Social Development Oct.-Dec. 2012
10 (3) Migration and Social Development July-Sept. 2012
10 (2) Quality Education, Training and Development April-June 2012
10 (1) Leadership and Social Entrepreneurship Jan.-March 2012
9 (4) Social Work: Concern and Issues Oct.-Dec. 2011
9 (3) Social Exclusion and Empowerment July-Sept. 2011
9 (2) Climate Change and Food Security April-June 2011
9 (1) Livelihood Promotion and Food Security Jan.-March 2011
8 (4) Tribal Development in Planned Economy Oct.-Dec. 2010
8 (3) Urban-Rural Development Dynamics July-Sept. 2010
8 (2) Voluntary Approaches to Corporate Social responsibility April-June 2010
8 (1) Indian Agriculture and Sustainable Rural Development Jan.-March 2010
7 (4) Sustainable Forest Management Strategies Oct.-Dec. 2009
7 (3) Labour Market and Employment with Special Reference to Right to Work July-Sept. 2009
7 (2) Democracy and Decentralization of Fiscal Function in the Lagging State of India April-June 2009
7 (1) Hind Swaraj, and Village Management Jan.-March 2009
6 (4) Quality Management Education, and Research Oct.-Dec. 2008
6 (3) Reproductive Health, and Tribal Society July-Sept. 2008
6 (2) Disaster Management, and Community Initiatives April-June 2008
6 (1) Child Development, and Nutrition Jan.-March 2008
5 (4) Changing Paradigms in Business Management Oct.-Dec. 2007
5 (3) Education As Strategy for Rural Development July-Sept. 2007
5 (2) Dynamics of Fiscal Management April-June 2007
5 (1) Environmental Ethics, and Sustainable Development Jan.-March 2007
4 (4) Social Watch Jharkhand Oct.-Dec. 2006
4 (3) Human Rights with Special Reference to Children, Women, Dalits, etc. July-Sept. 2006
4 (2) Status of Women, Poverty and Livelihood April-June 2006
4 (1) Tribal Haats, and Cooperatives Jan.-March 2006
3 (4) Dynamics of Development in Jharkhand Oct.-Dec. 2005
3 (3) Fifth Schedule, and Tribal Development July-Sept. 2005
3 (2) Watershed Management with Special Reference to Jharkhand April-June 2005
3 (1) Community Health, Nutrition, Health Care, and Health Education Jan.-March 2005
2 (4) Land Alienation, Displacement and Rehabilitation: Issues & Perspectives Oct.-Dec. 2004
2 (3) Economic Reforms: The Development Perspectives July-Sept. 2004
2 (2) Small Scale Industries and Entrepreneurship Development April-June 2004
2 (1) NOGs, and Development Jan.-March 2004
1 (5) Corporate Governance Oct.-Dec. 2003
1 (4) Decentralization and Rural Management July-Sept. 2003
1 (3) Perspectives of Rural Development April-June 2003
1 (2) Empowerment of Weaker Sections Jan.-March 2003
1 (1) Jharkhand Development Nov. 2002

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