Jharkhand Journal of Development and Management Studies

(A Quarterly Review of Development and Management Trends)

A National Journal Indexed in the UGC-CARE List

An Assessment of Factors Impacting Performance in Technology Based Startup

Diksha Arora1 and Seema Singh2

1Diksha Arora is Research Scholar, Department of Humanities, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India. E-mail Id: dikshaarora2102@gmail.com 

2Professor of Economics, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India. Email: prof.seemasinghdtu@gmail.com



Technology startups serve as pivotal drivers of regional economic growth, yet understanding the factors shaping their performance remains a challenge due to the multidimensional nature of the phenomenon and diverse empirical contexts. This study aims to quantify performance indicators through a comprehensive review of literature and interviews with entrepreneurs. The research identifies profitability and securing financing as key performance indicators; and aims to analyze their determinants across 350 tech- startups in Delhi-NCR. Findings reveal four significant factors influencing performance: target market segment, founders’ managerial experience, company age, and patent ownership. Interestingly, female presence in founding teams positively affects profitability but decreases financing probability. Additionally, the adoption of green innovation practices enhances financing prospects but adversely impacts profitability.

Keywords: Technology, Startups, Profitability, Financing, Performance




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