Our Collaborations

1. BAIF Development Research Foundation

XISS, Ranchi, and BAIF Development Research Foundation have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) marking the beginning of a strategic collaboration aimed at fostering growth and development in various sectors. The partnership will focus on critical areas such as knowledge exchange, research, joint projects, incubation, internships, and placement opportunities, providing a platform for mutual growth and advancing social impact initiatives.

2. SwitchON Foundation

XISS, Ranchi, entered in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with SwitchON Foundation, India for the next three years. Both the organizations under this MoU will focus on areas of Rural Development, Management, Health, Education, Women Empowerment and Gender, Environment, Climate Change and Research.

3. Population Services International

XISS, Ranchi signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Population Services International, India for the next three years. Both the organizations under this MoU will focus on areas of Rural Development, Health, Women Empowerment and Gender Studies, Education, and Research.

4. Indian Association of Women’s Studies (IAWS)

XISS, Ranchi, and the Indian Association of Women’s Studies (IAWS), have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to enhance the academic and scientific writing skills in social science research among the doctoral students and faculty members from Jharkhand.

5. Nudge Foundation

Nudge Foundation and XISS under its Department of Research and Planning have entered in a MoU for undertaking research and consultancy projects for Central and various State Governments, Public Sector Undertakings, Corporates and Implementing Partners in order to identify the needs, monitoring and evaluation of the impacts of different people centric programs and suggest corrective actions.

6. Living Landscape

Living Landscapes and XISS have signed a MoU and will jointly contribute to assist Government(s) and other agencies in enabling better translation of policy/programs and public investments towards practice for effective, decentralized and inclusive governance of natural resources, tribal livelihoods and inclusion (women in particular).

7. CCL

XISS, Ranchi and Central Coalfields Limited (CCL) signed a MoU for capturing and submission of Geo-tagged photographs and reports on CCL funded toilets constructed/renovated in Odisha, Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, and Uttar Pradesh under Swachchh Vidyalaya Abhiyan.

8. PHIA Foundation

XISS, Ranchi and PHIA Foundation have entered in an agreement for a year to engage students in making gender equality as reality and explore areas of higher education, capacity building including resource sharing.

9. Save The Children – Bal Raksha Bharat (SCBR)

XISS, Ranchi and SAVE THE CHILDREN – BAL RAKSHA BHARAT (SCBR) have entered into an agreement during 100-days of Action and Save Our Education Campaign with special emphasis on girls’ education amidst the pandemic. The collective campaign focuses on the need for educational rights of marginalised children amid pandemic, as digital divide disabled children to continue their education in the state and across the country.

10. United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

UNICEF and XISS, Ranchi, have entered in a programme cooperation agreement for the Implementation of UNICEF-funded programme relating to the UNICEF Programmes for India. The intervention is in the field of health, child protection, adolescent girls, behaviour change communication, and water and sanitation.

11. Climate Resilient Observing Systems Promotion Council (CROPC)

CROPC and XISS, Ranchi, have entered in a MoU on Joint Training Services, Strengthen Training Capacity, Joint Research Activity, Documentation and Case Studies, Consultancy/Advisory Services on Risk Management of extreme weather phenomena. XISS and CROPC will collaborate to identify ways to implement the objectives of this memorandum.

12. Project Concern International (PCI)

Industry academia partnership between XISS and PCI to promote research collaboration and academic partnership. This includes live projects, summer internship program, final placements, collaborative conclave/conference/seminar, guest lectures, and contribution towards curriculum development. The partnership also promotes collaborative policy research and action research.