An initiative to create a professional HR/IR community and enhance the holistic development of HR management studies.
- To take our passion for human resource management beyond academics.
- To uphold the ideals of authoritative HR principles by being a professional body sharing information of value to the community.
- Creating a culture of conscious human resource management amongst students.
- Fostering and promoting a culture of creativity and innovation amongst the future leaders of the HR world.
- Presidents - To liaison between the administration and members of the club, coordinate and ensure delivery of KRAs of each vertical, ideate and manage execution of events which require coordination between multiple verticals.
- Vertical Heads - To coordinate activities of the members of their vertical, coordinate with other vertical heads and presidents wherever required, Responsible for delivery of KRAs of the vertical,
- Content Team - Creating social media content for our various digital platforms, making event reports for webinars/seminars, fulfilling any content-based need of the club.
- Corporate Relations Team - To update and maintain records of those who are and were in the HRM Department, qork adjacent to the placement cell by creating and maintaining connections with reputed companies and alumni for campus placements, find ways and means to improve industry–institute interactions, design strategies to establish a better alumni-connect, reach out to alumni, industry experts, etc., to arrange webinars and maintain relations with the industry.
- Sponsorship Team - To identify activities, competitions, projects, etc. that would require added funding. To identify new sources of funds depending of the project or activity that requires it, to find ways in which to engage with existing sponsors to maintain relations, to create a plan and have SOPs in place to streamline the process of seeking sponsors as well at interaction within the committee.
- Public Relations Team - Responsible for scoping branding opportunities for the club, managing the public relations, liaison with the other verticals for social media content, driving online presence of the club via social media content.
- Design Team - To fulfil any design requirements, collaborate with PR team and content team to produce quality content, research for innovative templates.
- For Social Media Content -
- Reference to the calendar, Inspiration from current events, Inputs from individual members via Whatsapp Group
- Design team to work on the technical aspects in coordination with the PR team keeping the Corporate Relations team to interact with alums
- Mail to be sent to the administrator for approval, PR team to post the draft upon approval; Coordination between Executive Council
- For Webinars and similar events –
- Reference to the calendar inspiration from current events, inputs from individual members via Whatsapp Group
- Based on the calendar, webinar topics could follow a theme. Members of the vertical to give inputs.
- Official mail to be sent to the Students’ Club Office for approval of the event. PR to post the draft upon approval.
- Communication Channels -
- Medium – Email SPOC- Vertical Head
- Pre-event communication - Medium - Email/CallSocial Media Team/ Corp Rel.
- Team Event Branding - Medium - LinkedinCorp Rel Team in alignment with Social Media Team
- Alumni Connect - Internal (within the club)- WhatsApp; Internal (with administration)- via official email; External - Email/Social Media Handles
- Event Communication - Volunteering Interest/Skill/Rotational BasisFinal Call - Vertical Head