RCSR is a Rotary‐sponsored service club for young men and women ages 18 to 30. Rotaract Clubs are either community or university based, and they're sponsored by a local Rotaract organization. This makes them true partners in service and key members of the family of Rotary. As one of Rotaract's most significant and fastest‐growing service programs, with more than 9,500 clubs in about 170 countries and geographical areas, Rotaract has become a worldwide phenomenon.
Today's young people will become tomorrow's parents, professionals, business leaders, and community leaders. With the help of programs like Rotaract, they can gain the tools and skills necessary to develop into responsible, productive members of society. Now is the time for the Rotaract club, to focus on the future challenging the new generations to test their talents, develop new skills, and confront issues they will face in their lifetime. The Rotaract program can instill in its members' life skills that can be shared with others for generations to come.
The Rotaract club organizes a variety of project and activities, depending primarily on the interest of the club members. However, within the Rotaract program, all clubs undertake three kinds of activities in varying degrees:
- Professional Development
- Leadership Development
- Service Projects
Together these three areas ensure a balanced club program and provide important experience and opportunities for the personal development of each Rotaractor.
- To develop professional and leadership skills;
- To emphasize respect for the rights of others, based on recognition of the worth of each individual;
- To recognize the dignity and value of all useful occupations as opportunities to serve;
- To recognize, practice, and promote ethical standards as leadership qualities and vocational responsibilities;
- To develop knowledge and understanding of the needs, problems and opportunities in the community and worldwide;
- To provide opportunities for personal and group activities to serve the community and promote international understanding and goodwill toward all people.
- President - Abhijeet Kumar Munda
- Vice President - Pranit Anand Jha
- Secretary - Manisha Priya
- Joint Secretary - Abhinav Topno
- Volunteers Head - Jai Ujjwal
- Finance Head - Abhishek Kumar, Angel Prashansha Ekka
- Design Head - Vandana Rani Indwar
- Joint Design Head - Raunak Purty
- Content Head - Jully Ekka
- Joint Content Head - Riya Rai
- Liason Head - Aditya Singh
- Photography Head - Anshul Tigga
- Social Media Head - Supriya Topno
- Youtube Head - Navneet Kullu
- Public Relation - Sweta Ranjan, Manwendra Singh
- Cultural Coordinator Head - Diksha Mishra
- Community Service Head - Rishi Garodia
- PRESIDENT - The president's primary role is to ensure that the club's professional and leadership development activities are successful and that its service projects benefit community.
- VICE - PRESIDENT - The vice president's primary role is to support the president, handling special assignments as directed by the president, staying current on club goals and activities
- SECRETARY - The secretary's primary responsibility is to help the club functions efficiently. The secretary should be well-organized and have good communication skills.
- TREASURER - The treasurer works with the secretary to maintain accurate financial records. The treasurer should be a responsible, detail‐oriented person.
- JOINT SECRETARY - The joint secretary's primary responsibility is to help the secretary in carrying out the club functions efficiently. The joint secretary should be well-organized and have good communication skills and be an efficient member.
- SERGEANT AT ARMS - The Sergeant-at-Arms responsibilities include to be continuously on the alert to avert any incidence that might undermine from the dignity and prestige associated with Rotary clubs.
- CONTENT TEAM - The position of Club Editor Head and Joint Club Editor Head are in the leadership of this content team.
- CREATIVE TEAM - The position of Creative Head and Joint Creative Head are in the leadership of this content team.
- MEDIA HEAD - Create Press Releases for the events and activities of the RCSR.
- SOCIAL MEDIA HEAD - Handle the interactions on all Social Media Platforms and put out relevant content regarding the activities and initiatives of the RCSR.
- YOUTUBE HEAD - Handle the interactions on all YouTube video content sharing and viewing platform and share relevant content regarding the activities and initiatives of the RCSR in the video format.
- WOMEN EMPOWERMENT CELL HEAD - Handle the interactions related to Women Empowerment Projects
- PR TEAM - Handle the PR Activities of the RCSR Club.
- CLOTH DONATION HEAD - Handle the interactions related to cloth and fabric donation drives conducted by the RCSR
- INTERNATIONAL SERVICE DIRECTOR - Responsibilities Include reporting each international service projects, extract from R.I./District Publication about international service projects
- CULTURAL COORDINATOR DIRECTOR - Responsibilities include reporting of each cultural coordination projects, involvement in the facilitation of cultural club projects,
- CLUB SERVICE DIRECTOR - Responsibilities include maintenance attendance books, guest and member
- COMMUNITY SERVICE DIRECTOR - Responsibilities include reporting of each community service projects and extracting from R.I./District Publication about community
Rotaract clubs bring together people ages 18 and older to exchange ideas with leaders in the community, develop leadership and professional skills, and have fun through service. In communities worldwide, Rotary and Rotaract members work side by side to take action through service.
Students and young professionals to take action through community and international service that creates sustainable solutions to local and global challenges, connect with the global community of rotary to expand professional networks, exchange ideas with leaders, and cultivate lifelong friendship around the world, develop skills to become community and global leaders, make friends locally and globally, and have fun while recognizing the importance of Service Above Self.
The mode of working can be online as well as offline, keeping in view the modern age and tools available to the Rotaractors. An extraordinary meeting may be convened in person or through electronic communications.