Dr Niranjan Sahoo, Associate Professor attended Multi-Country Observational Study in Indonesia

National Productivity Council (NPC) of Ministry of Industry & Commerce, Govt of India nominated Dr Niranjan Sahoo, Associate Professor, Rural Management Programme of Xavier Institute of Social Service (XISS), Ranchi for a Multi-Country Observational Study on Rural Development which took place in Indonesia.

This observational study was funded by Asian Productivity Organization, Tokyo, Japan and was arranged by the Republic of Indonesia from 11-13 July 2023 where around 30 delegations including Govt. officials and Corporate Managers from all Asian Nations took part. Dr Sahoo and Mr Sushil K Lohani, IAS (Principal Secretary, Rural Development, Govt. of Odisha) represented India.

Under this study, they visited several rural development model fields and rural enterprises located in various parts of Indonesia like Java, Sumatra, Bali etc and acquired a wider knowledge and data on rural community development techniques and strategies. After this successful observational study, participant countries may replicate these ideas in the respective countries for better economic growth.