Students with Best Business Plans for Entrepreneurship & Social Entrepreneurship felicitated at XISS

A certificate felicitation ceremony for the Best Business Plans to Students of Entrepreneurship and Social Entrepreneurship of Xavier Institute of Social Service (XISS), Ranchi, was organized in the campus. Entrepreneurship is taught in Programmes of Rural Management, Human Resource Management, Marketing Management and Financial Management in XISS. Writing a business plan under the curricula is an important exercise in view of becoming an entrepreneur or social entrepreneur. The students participated in the exercise of writing business plans that included selling paper bags, cosmetics, health services, agribusiness as piggery, selling fresh vegetable, together with providing tech solution using various apps.
Smt Nisha Oraon Singhmarr, IRS and Director, Department of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Co-operative, GoJ felicitated the students during the event. She addressed them and advised them to turn your innovations into reality because you are not just fulfilling your dreams but of people and society as well. There might be occasions when you face difficulties, then change your plans not your goals. Entrepreneurs should be creative and energetic and should try to become solution providers.
More than 100 students prepared the business plans under the curricula and of which the top three best ones were selected for felicitation. From Marketing Management Programme, Mr Sagun Soren shared business idea on Piggery, Mr Rishav Ankit shared his plan on ‘Vegimall’- a mall for local vegetables, while Ms Josephin Voller shared her plan of Dorine Wedding Ceremony, a complete wedding solution provider. From the Programme of Rural Management, Ms Riti Shalini Tiru, Ms Kumari Mayuri shared her business plan on starting an initiative on Aloevera consumption in the market and Ms Gunjan Jain discussed the idea of opening a bakery. Mr Prashant Kumar, Mr Abhinav Kumar Shrivastava and Ms Neha from the Information Technology Programme also shared their ideas.
In Social Entrepreneurship, students of Rural Management Programme, Ms Priti Kumari discussed her plan on increasing education in Tatisilwai region, while Ms Tanya Baran shared water conservation plan in Jamshedpur and Ms Mary Munda highlighted ideas to curb alcoholism respectively.
Earlier, Dr Ashok Ohol SJ, Assistant Professor introduced the event and highlighted that XISS is keen on preparing job givers keeping in accordance with Institute’s vision and mission rather than only job seekers. Entrepreneurship begins with the process of conceptualising ideas and rigorous exercises in creative imagination, creative thinking and mind mapping. XISS wishes to create more such opportunities for them in future as well.
Wishing the students during the event, Dr Joseph Marianus Kujur SJ, Director, XISS stated that this is a paradigm shift in the concept of entrepreneurship. Positive thinking and converting the negative energy into a positive solution along with innovation and creativity is the key for these budding entrepreneurs. He also wished them the best in their lives to make progress and bring a difference in the society.
During the event, Dr Amar E Tigga, Dean Academics shared the Entrepreneurial Scenario among XISS alumni while Dr BP Mahapatra discussed on the Importance of Entrepreneurship in today’s context and Mr Harpreet Singh, EDP Cell shared on Skill Development: The base of Entrepreneurship. Dr Binit Lakra and Dr Arana Kausar along with Head of Programmes and Faculty were also present during the event. The Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) was set up at XISS, Ranchi in 1974, with a prime objective of socio-economic empowerment of rural tribal youth of Jharkhand. EDP Cell so far has conducted programs for Small & Medium Enterprise (SMEs), Non-government Organizations (NGOs), Government Organizations (GOs), Schools and Colleges. In view to bring change in social and economic spheres, to create healthy competition and to strengthen Indian economy, XISS, Ranchi has launched a course in entrepreneurship with the aim to help and initiate the aspirant to venture into a business. XISS has laid down the rural and urban network of progressive entrepreneurs and has been providing them with professional and academic inputs alongside conducting workshops for those who wish to become an entrepreneur. A full-fledged course in entrepreneurship development for the duration of three trimesters has also been launched for the aspirants.