Social Empowerment Through Development Interventions
Beni A. Ekka, Anirudh Prasad
Published By :
Xavier Institute of Social Service, Ranchi, 2005ISBN :
81-904112-2-5About the book
This commemorative volume is a part of scientific and well researched papers commissioned from renowned social work academics and practitioners. The theme was chosen with a view to understanding, in a coherent manner, dynamics of empowerment through development interventions operationalized by action groups committed to the cause of the poor and the disadvantaged. The book offers an interesting perspective into dialectics of action and research. The Gandhian, the Church-inspired, the Marxist and Socialist – how these groups work along with the people, are detailed under the purview of : (i) dynamics of social transformation, (ii) identity and social exclusion, (iii) empowerment of women, children, tribals and dalits, (iv) empowering human values, (v) challenges facing social workers and civil society, etc. It is hoped that this volume would be found useful not only for the factual light it sheds upon the various development interventions, but also for the insights of the persons concerned about the realm of issues related to social empowerment and innovative experiments at the grassroots.